Not much time to post right now. Little bear sleeps and I must grab a shower so we can head out for a day of potluck grad school party in the burbs comin' up!
What a nice week we had! Momala the super grandmother (well, one of two!!) swooped into town to take care of the three of us, have some Charlie love time, and help me get through a stressful week. Well, my star tiny dancers at John J. Wonderful Elementary School put on a lively show and I got through the rehearsals and prop making and sound checking with my kitchen intact and my closet filled with all 3 of my current outfits, clean! Thanks Momala.
Another nice thing about Momala's visit is that she was here on mother's day. We had a great day. Rob made a yummy brunch that included Pilsbury Cinnamon Rolls, and then we went to church. we had an easy day followed by dinner at one of our favorite places, Andies in Andersonville. It was fun to walk through my old hood and soak up all the Scando-mania. Of course we took a picture with the giant Dala horse! I'm dying to find out if it's okay to actually put baby ON the horse. I did not take any chances on Mother's Day however.
So my first Mother's Day was sweet and relaxing and full of goodness. On top of being surrounded by the people I love, I also got a very nice gift that I think is worth mentioning. Rob placed a beautiful, Kay Jeweler's-sized box in front of me, covered with a picture of Charlie in my favorite p.j.s. I was so sure he had gone to Jared, but he surprised me with an Ipod shuffle. Wow! I don't think I have received a "toy" from the electronics/wireless department since the days when they were called Walkmans and featured a radio AND cassette player. It is very cool, was a huge surprise, and will be lots of fun given my hobby of downloading music. Here's a sample playlist:
Kickstart My Heart
Bicycle Race
Turn it On
I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys (rob put this one on--it's Charlie's favorite lullaby)
1 comment:
Oh, how I loves me some Scissor Sisters! I am rocking all the time now to that tune in my car. Allow me to also recommend Grace Kelly or Lollipop by Mika (the whole album is great -- they're like the love child of Queen and Scissor Sisters).
Anyhoo, my dear Meddy Kett, Charlie is a beautiful boy and I can't wait to meet him. Big love from us.
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