Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I Spy........

the Charlinator and I had an excellent day. We went to the bank with Daddy and then drove him downtown to work. We took a long walk in beautiful Horner Park and then went to lunch in Lincoln Square.

Since he passed out in the car between Lincoln Square and home ( a tedious 5 minute drive), I thought we were golden for a long winter's nap. Not so. I put Charlie in the crib and listened on the monitor as he babbled for a good 30 minutes. Okay, I thought. So you're not tired. We'll do a nebulizer treatment and you'll get exasperated and pass out while I'm holding you and then I'll dump you into the crib and you'll sleep for hours and I can get my Winsor Pilates on.

Well.....the treatment did not tire him out. He seemed giddy and goofy. So we played around on the floor, rolling, tickling, giggling, babbling. And I took my daily "do you have teeth yet" look into his mouth and spied a small white sliver of bone just barely jutting from that lower gum. Oh yeah! It was so exciting. I can't wait until the real thing comes all the way in. Or can I? more to come on that. Oh my little guy is growing up too fast.

And after all that, the boy DID nap! What a guy.

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