Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mommy's Day Off

No more math class........mommy has a day off! Charlie is at daycare so I am at home for a rare free day trying to clean the office and write my novel and make casseroles and stuff.

I have been so busy today:

# of entertainment news shows watched: 2
# of entertainment news websites discovered while procrastinating on internet: 5 (actually more but I am too ashamed to list)
# of bathtubs scrubbed: 2 (this is really true although it sounds like fiction)

As long as I am procrastinating, I might as well blog:

Charlie the magnificent is really communicating. Just last week Kimberly remarked on how exciting it would be when he started pointing, and what do you know? He is doing just that! Maybe he heard her say it and thought, "yeah, I'll try that in exactly 2 days." Anyway, he points and babbles in perfect consonants and says uh oh and da_ _ y (for daddy). He stares at objects and places and tries to figure stuff out. He is delighted by the microwave as it beeps away. He laughs at this tiny Chihuahua in the neighborhood who has a yippy little bark. The dog looks like a cartoon but thinks he is so tough. Charlie laughs and laughs at him.

He opens his mouth wide for applesauce but pushes away spoonfuls of green peas, broccoli and spinach. What's a mom to do? I try to hide the veggies in rice or ground turkey or potatoes but he figures it out.

Must go and do stuff and work on messy office. Momala and Grandpa are coming for a visit soon!

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