Just look at that baby! 19 pounds of sweet huggy love! (19!) Because Butters is so well fed and sleeping and happy and pleasant, little bumps in the road make me overly anxious. Last week's cold turned into wheezing that would not go away so we took Charlie to Dr. M. on Monday. Dr. M. definitely heard wheezing and suggested that we might want to try a nebulizer. We hesitated for 4 days and then charlie and I went back in yesterday. He's still wheezing.
So now he gets asthma meds by nebulizer 3 or 4 x a day until the wheezing clears up or we know what's going on. He's not sure if he likes the little stream of air--sometimes he holds the mouthpiece and sometimes he bats it away. So hopefully this will work and its just a temporary thing. If it is asthma, that's okay. Nothing we can't handle.
I got a little overwhelmed this weekend trying to deal with this on top of errands and work and all. But it's all good. I did get to have a baby fall asleep in my arms twice! Something I haven't seen in a long time. That was well worth it.