To my faithful tummy time readers and anyone who got the annual card, my apologies for leaving you hanging. This mommy has had a busy time of late. I finished my masters degree in the fall with an intensive semester of student teaching. In between grading and planning and writing papers and creating final projects and being evaluated on my ability to work with children, I found little time to document the progress of my own.
So I ditched the blog temporarily but I am back! As for where I was in January, I have no good answer. I was right here adjusting to my new part time schedule, I guess......
Anyway, here's a recent photo of our baby, who is no longer a baby! He puts on this over the head poncho towel after baths and just runs around looking like a tiny Jawa loose in our kitchen. As you can see, he has a mouth full of teeth! He walks! (as of November 17th!) He talks! He dances! He is full of surprises.
The current vocabulary includes: Mama, Daddy, no!no!no!, uh oh!, Hi, Bye bye, shoes, socks, BlaBla (his favorite snuggly toy),more, mas (he's bilingual), agua, and his favorite songs: "bicycle" and "Godfrey"
And there are more that I'm forgetting
He is a music student now! On Saturdays we all go to "Music together" and we sing and play instruments and dance. He loves to kick out the jams on his tambourine.
Theres more and more to say but I have to go and get ready for work.
More later!
Yea!! MK and the Charlie blog are back. I really missed it. Just as I miss you Charlie. Daddy should get a video when you are dancing to bicycle or Godfrey.
Love you,
Oh, thank goodness. It has been a long time, my friend. Glad you are back, I can put Tummy Time back onto my morning 'blog' routine.
Great Holiday Card, too!
Miss you,
Carrie and the Boys
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