Do you know that song? It's one of my favorite downloads and I sing it to Charlie all the time. It's an oldie, but maybe you remember it if you were a lowly chorus girl in a high school production of Bye Bye Birdie. Who needs to know how to sing when you can dance?
Little Man is getting bigger every day. Went to the doctor on Monday for nine month check up and shots. Asthma is as of yet, undetermined. Doc didn't hear any wheezing and said to use the meds only if he needs it. Good news, I thought.
Our boy is 29 inches and 21 pounds. He giggles and claps for Dr. M. and does this "twisting" thing. Dr. M. is very amused and says, "Where did he learn how to dance?"
Ummm...maybe in the womb when he went to about 3000 dance classes.
Charlie is fast! He sweeps the floor with his Buddha belly, crawling with elbows and toes like he's at boot camp. He wriggles up to the cd tower and pulls out all the cds only to stop and stare at Johnny Cash. so all this Queen and the Who and Van Halen I have been playing results in his becoming a cowboy after all, just like daddy. Of course.
Yes, I play Rob's cds, too.
And Philadelphia Chickens. I think I need to get more baby music. But what baby doesn't love "Magic Bus"?????? Who cares what the wipers do if the bus is magic???!!!!
Today I rewarded myself with a shopping spree at Forever 21 after my math test. I had a gift card but still...........why am I shopping at stores with deejays? I'm getting a little (dare I say it) mature for that scene. I pretend that I am hip enough to buy a Hello Kitty t-shirt that says something about "My boyfriend" on it. No one can sense that I have a purse filled with pampers, or a belly covered with scribbly marks.
So to balance that out I went to Sears and tried on "miracle swim suits."
Now that's mature.
More later.
1 comment:
Hi swinging Charlie...can't wait to take you to the park so you can swing up so high...and watch you as you get into Daddy's CDs and dust Mommy's floors.
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