Wow! Long time, no post. Mama has been busy. So much to report about our little man:
tummy time.....getting so much better! Now he stays there and stays and stays. Only problem is he wants to roll so he pushes himself off to oneside (and sometimes bonks his head). What a champ!
Food--the verdict is in on carrots--no allergy but man are they gross. I don't love them cooked either, but I'll eat them. Plenty of time for that tiny and sophisticated pallette (no I can't spell that) to develop.
Sweet potatoes are okay! That's good since mommy and daddy both heart sweet potatoes!!
Sitting up--almost. Not there like his birthday buddy, Noah, but almost. He does the tripod thing and we still have to support him. Such a big guy.
Friends--where do we start? Well there's Wednesday group with mommy's waterobics buddies and their babies; And there's once a month mommy/daddy/baby group with the show kids (friends from shows and the theatre crowd). And can't forget daycare with babies and big kid toddlers who take great care of Charlie! Then there's Devyn who we had a playdate with on Saturday--an older gal, 14 months--pretty and blond. And, finally, the occasional Friday yoga class at the Sweet Peas Studio.
Charlie loves to laugh and play and pick things up and splash in the tubby! He is the sweetest little guy. Here are some of his nicknames:
Tiny Man
Tubby Buns
Bunny tubs
More to come!