So September is almost gone but I wanted to share photos from Charlie's big birthday. Our little man is 2 years old!
As you can see, he adores Thomas the tank engine AND cake. And he's turning into a little social butterfly with lots of buddies. He loves to play with other kids although sometimes they don't know it cause at the playground he'll shout "Mine!" when another child follows him down the slide. I'm trying to stay cool about this and keep reminding him that the playground is for everybody. Rob says I need to relax and he's just 2 and he won't do this forever.
ANd he doesn't! He is still the sweetest lamb. He still cuddles up to Blah Blah at bedtime and likes to hear daddy sing Cattle Call.
ANd after 2 separate visits from grandparents, he really recognizes them and says their names when he looks at pictures. He adores his new Aunt Akiko and had a great time playing with her when she came to visit with Momala.
Sometimes he "calls" Momala on his toy phone and has a short conversation: "Hello? Yes! Okay, bye!"
He loves to sing the baby bumblebee song for grandpa on the phone. He also loves showing off his pediatric milestones for his Poppy. And he has mastered saying "Gran" which he says everytime he takes Gran's picture down from the fridge.
He's our sweet boy and we're crazy about him.