So crazy that I have not blogged. The school year went by in a blur and this summer, well, I have no excuse for that. Summer has been nice and easy, save for the headaches--more on that stuff later.
Summer has meant more time with the growing Charlie! Little man is simply, no longer a baby! He will turn 2 on Sept. 13th and he just grows and grows and grows! He talks a lot, sings, dances, throws tantrums, gives hugs, blows kisses and likes to wear "zapatos." He is amazing and we treasure every moment with him. Even the tantrums.......
Here he is with his young friend Eddie (14 months, i think). Eddie is Julie's boy--look at them! Charlie had a good old time having a friend over and he thinks Eddie is cute and funny (which he is!). Though Charlie can get bossy and possessive with his toys (and the toys of others), he does well with kids one on one. He seems to be more talkative in the small groups, too. He just surprises us all the time.
He still goes to daycare at the same place and he is thriving there! He is learning Spanish and playing with the other kids and then talking about them when he gets home. He loves to dance, too! what a guy.
We enjoy tuesdays and thursdays together, going to the pool and the sprinkler, hitting the swings, pushing the stroller, and getting together with friends like Eddie, Izzy, and Claire. He even came to a meeting with me and Halena, director of the new show I'm choreographing.
Weekends are fun with all three of us. Lots of coffee time and more trips to the pool! It's been a wonderful summer.
things that have not been wonderful include headaches..........Basically I am having a cycle or cluster or whatever it is that causes me to have super painful, gut-wrenching (literally) headaches. After two horrible weeks, I am doing much better on a diet of Inderal once a day and weekly accupuncture. I also have some fast acting meds around for sudden attacks. So far, I haven't needed that stuff much. And, I've slept through the night several times this past week. things are looking up.
So, hopefully, back to blogging and documenting the baby, I mean, the almost 2 year old!!!!