Look at us! How did we get this far? As the summer comes to an end I am bittersweet about it. Just last year at this time I was packing my hospital bags and anxiously anticipating bringing home that sweet tiny baby. Now he's almost a year old! When did that happen?
I'm just amazed when I think about his first few days with us--he was so tiny and delicate. Rob and I would rock and sway and sing him to sleep and then swaddle him tightly without jostling him awake. We'd carefully lay him down in the bassinet and then slip ever so quietly under the covers, praying for him to stay asleep for the next hour or so. Sometimes he would sleep, and other times he'd slowly start to whimper, then the whimper would escalate into that full on "I'm awake" cry.
Now he gets into the crib , hugs "Bla Bla" really close and sticks three fingers into his mouth, curling into a fetal position. He inches back and forth along the mattress, flips a few times, sits up and looks around, makes a few noises, and then burrows back down into a cozy tripod and falls asleep for 11 hours.
He points to things he wants, says Mama to me, and Dada to Rob, and "Uh-oh" when he drops something. He wiggles over to the DVD player and tries to figure out how to undo the babyproofing on it. He smiles at us cause he knows its off limits to babies.
He giggles at the sight of dogs and cats.
He turns the pages of his favorite books: Pajama time, goodnight moon, and Brown Bear.
He stops to study pictures on the refridgerator. He presses his face against mine to kiss me and pats my head.
He goes underwater and comes back up without a tear!
He twirls spaghetti around his finger until it tears in two and must be eaten.
what a big boy.
August has just flown by. Momala and Grandpa came for a visit and we had great times. Some of the highlights: model trains at the Botanic Garden, alfresco dining at gullivers, and lunch at Madelynn and Dave's.
Tomorrow we leave for the Adirondacks and a relaxing vacation. We are looking forward to more time with Momala and Grandpa, Aunt Birgitta, Uncle Eddie, and uncle Brendo.
Lots to talk about when we get back!!